Friday, March 16, 2012

Project Life 2012 - Week Ten

If you're thinking to yourself right now that Project Life is about all I've been creating lately...well, you would be right :)

On the one hand, I'm patting myself on the back for at least keeping up with something, and on the other hand I am looking at my sidebar to-do list, shaking my head, and wondering where on Earth the month of March is disappearing to!

Nevertheless, here we are, documenting Week 10...

... a week in which I struggled to take photos of anything except Lydia's birthday, wrote nothing at all down, and agonized WAY TOO MUCH over paper selection. HA!

No wonder it took so long to put these pages together!

Taking screen shots on my iphone was perhaps my lifesaver this week...thank goodness for iphones! I've rummaged through my sticker stash for some of these oldies (but goodies), and am thinking that I really should do that more often...there are definitely some useable items in there ;)

Thank goodness it's Friday! Hope your weekend is awesome :)

TTFN xxx

P.S. I linked up here this week :)


Hope said...

At least all the agonising worked - the papers are perfect and everything looks wonderful.

I can relate to the no play = blues. I am a grumpy sad-sack if I don't get enough creating in my week. In emergencies I bake an easy, quick, yummy slice. Makes me feel a bit better.

Anonymous said...

You have a beautiful project going here and I enjoy seeing it unfold.

Linda said...

Wish Lydia a happy belated birthday for me. Your PL looks good, you had enough photos.
See ya on the morrow